Special piquancy to the cottage or other object gives the aerial photography. Personality of your building on aerial photographs dramatically sets you apart from your competitors that offer only a ground photos!
Professional aerial photography of real estate in Russia and worldwide. Panoramic aerial photograph of wide-angle panoramas and digital vertical aerial photography - assemblage of seamless orthophotos in scale from 1:30000 to 1:200 - is the most qualitative method of reception of the geospatial data of operative aerial photography.
Aerial photography is performed on a stabilized aerial camera with low distortion, and this is especially applicable in mapping and defining the boundaries of land surfaces, as well as in special studies estimate the cost of construction, advertising campaigns and airvideo.
Panoramic aerial photography from a favourable foreshortening
Vertical aerial photograph with high detailed elaboration at heights from 300 to 3000 meters
Unforgettable flights with the instructor on a motor-paraplane without any preparation! You will see the unforgettable and serenity world. Having done some flights, you, probably, will wish to plunge into this world and further to be trained. For this purpose you need just call us.
We travel much and we invite you to visit and do some flying on a paraglide in the most virgin places! Having tasted all sweet of flight and having plunged into open spaces of the nature you will want to visit every places where is possible to lift a wing.
Flights under supervision of the skilled instructor. You have decided to plunge into the paragliding? We will teach you with pleasure and will put on a wing - you with ease and confidence in yourself can fly further, without endangering life.